Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills (Axe)

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills (Axe)
Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills (Axe)
Some skills descriptions can be outdated.

General skills:
Right now you get 2 skills, the first one skill has 3 small skills in it.
Icon Skill name Cooldown Skill Effect
Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills Slash 8 Seconds 115% Damage
Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills Sideswipe 125% damage, +30% attack for 6 seconds.
Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills Turn Back Attack 130% damage, 10% from attack absorbed to health.
Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills Frenzy Block Defense +100%, reduce damage by 75%. If attacked get small bonuses to attack speed. (skill work for 3 seconds)
Special Skills Each skill can be enchanted by 3 different abilities. Maximum enhance level - 5 star.

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills
Axe jump attack (斧躍擊) - 297% damage (skill allow you to dash to the enemy)

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills
Arm specialization (臂力特化) - 1 star +0.4 meters to jump and +1% attack, 5 star - +2meters to jump and +5% to attack.

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills
Robust calf (強健小腿肌) - 1 star -4% cooldown and +5 move speed for 3 seconds. 5 star - -40% cooldown and +25% move speed for 3 seconds.

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills
Fatal stabbed (致命砍殺) - 1 star this skill critical damage +2%, overall critical damage +2%. 5 star this skills critical damage +30%, overall critical damage +10%.

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills
Warriors will (勇士意志) - +10% critical damage for 60 seconds, on level 30 it becomes +20% critical damage for 1800 seconds. (not sure about duration)

Dragomon Hunter Warrior skills
Blood Benz (熱血奔馳) - 1 star +1% move speed. 5 star +15% move speed.
Dragon Slayer Warrior skills
Force of war (戰爭之力) - 1 star 1% health goes to attack. 5 star 5% health going to attack. (or attack goes to health, I'm not sure)

Dragon Slayer Warrior skills
Will bloodthirsty (嗜血意志) - 1 star 1% health goes to crit rate. 5 stat 7% health goes to crit rate. (or crit rate goes to health, I'm not sure)

Dragon Slayer Warrior skills
Wind chop chop (狂風斬劈) - 288% damage, dash skill.

Dragon Slayer Warrior skills
Balance training (平衡訓練) - 1 star -3% cooldown, defense +1% for 4 seconds. 5 star -30% cooldown, defense +5% for 4 seconds.

Dragon Slayer Warrior skills
Chop chop specialization (斬劈特化) - 1 star +1% crit damage, crit rate +3% for 4 seconds. 5 star +15% cooldown, defense +15% for 4 seconds.

Dragon Slayer
Vulnerability Analysis (弱點分析) - 1 star reduce enemy movement speed by -5%, attack +1% for 4 seconds. 5 star reduce enemy movement speed by -30%, attack +5% for 4 seconds.

Dragon Slayer
Savage mark (野蠻標記) - +3% health to team members and +5% critical damage to team members for 180 seconds.

Dragomon Hunter
Stoic ideas (堅忍意念) - 1 star -5% damage that you receive from a critical attack. 1 star -30% damage that you receive from a critical attack. (not sure if it minus damage or chance to get critical damage)

Dragomon Hunter
Flooding Thorns (荊棘之驅) - 1 star 3% reflect damage. 5 star 15% reflect damage.

Dragomon Hunter
Toughness inspire (韌性激發) - 1 star 1% from health goes to defense. 5 star 3% from health goes to defense.

Dragomon Hunter
Whirlwind of dance (旋風之舞) - Sustained damage to surrounding enemies for 4 seconds, 12 sec cooldown. (on 30 level it only 8 seconds cooldown)

Dragomon Hunter
Physical reserves (體力儲備) - 1 star -4% cooldown and +1% health. 5 star -40% cooldown and +5% health.

Dragomon Hunter
Limb coordination (肢體協調) - 1 star +6% to movement speed and reduce damage by 2% for 6 seconds. 5 star +30% to movement speed and reduce damage by 10% for 6 seconds.

Dragomon Hunter
Mad war dance (狂戰之舞) - 1 star +2% critical damage and +2% IAS.

5 star +30% critical damage and +25% IAS.

Dragomon Hunter
Wind chop off (滅風斬) - 495% damage and 72% DOT for 6 seconds.

Dragomon Hunter
Swipe violence (暴力揮擊) - 1 star +0.4 aoe range and +2% penetration.

5 star +2m aoe range and +10% penetration.

Dragomon Hunter
Cold breath (冷酷凝神) - 1 star -4% cooldown and +1% crit rate. 5 star -40% cooldown and +10% crit rate.

Dragomon Hunter
Brutal slashing (兇殘砍殺) -  “This trick crit damage
absorb the damage caused by the attack to restore the value of life itself.” (not sure what they mean) - 1 star 2% and 1%. 5 star 30% and 5%

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