Magic can do anything and since Mage specialize in various elements he can not only cast fire, ice and lighting magic but even create piece of cake with magic.
Recommended stat points - Intelligence and Constitution.
Recommended attributes - Penetrate, HP and Crit.
Recommended weapons - Staff, Bow, and Halberd
Recommended equipment - Clothes and Leather.
Arcane Master VS Shadow Wizard
Master prefer to use destructive magic like Black Hole and ring of flames while Shadow Wizard depend on dark magic spells like undead minions and dark creatures from the depth of hell.
Mage skills -
Magician skills-
Arcane Master skills -
Shadow Wizard skills -
Recommended stat points - Intelligence and Constitution.
Recommended attributes - Penetrate, HP and Crit.
Recommended weapons - Staff, Bow, and Halberd
Recommended equipment - Clothes and Leather.
Arcane Master VS Shadow Wizard
Master prefer to use destructive magic like Black Hole and ring of flames while Shadow Wizard depend on dark magic spells like undead minions and dark creatures from the depth of hell.

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
電能感應 | 4 | 20 seconds | Shield that protect you from enemy attacks and every 2 seconds deal damage to all enemies around you. |

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
相位跳躍 | 12 | 25 seconds | Teleport to a specified location around you. | |
霜晶界域 | 12 | 12 seconds | Reduce movement chance, chance to freeze enemy, reduce natural resistance and deal damage. | |
旋龍捲 | 20 | 20 seconds | Summon a tornado that continuously inflicting nature damage. | |
暗法刻印 | 30 | 60 seconds | Rapidly restore your own SP. |

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
精神攝取 | 40 | 18 seconds | Reduce enemy magic resistance. | |
灼熱爆發 | 40 | 20 seconds | Create miniature volcano and burn enemies, have a chance to stun enemy. | |
烈焰之環 | 45 | 30 seconds | Summon rings of flame and burn enemy. | |
黑洞力場 | 50 | 45 seconds | Create a black hole and suck up all enemies to the place where this hole located. | |
秘晶霜天 | 55 | 120 seconds | Blizzard causing absolute zero effect not only freezing enemies but also reduce magic resistance. |

Icon | Name | Lvl | Cooldown | Description |
亡靈僕從 | 40 | 10 seconds | Summon a skeleton mage, their attacks have a chance to reduce enemy speed. | |
異能釋放 | 40 | 20 seconds | 釋放出體內的異界能量,和召喚出的生命體相互共鳴獲得更強大的力量。 #對範圍內的召喚物造成 HP 上限一定值 的傷害,並提高自己及該召喚物攻擊時所造成的傷害,每1隻召喚物皆可作用1次,效果可堆疊. Something about restoring hp and summoning. Will wait for videos. |
血之僕從 | 45 | 10 seconds | Summon up to 2 vampires bats, can restore your HP by attacking enemies. (can be wrong) | |
炎之祭典 | 50 | 60 seconds | Friendly demon appear each time you kill an enemy. Stack up to 3 times. | |
惡獄影痕 | 55 | 180 seconds | Summon Death Knight from hell, can reduce enemy resistance. |